The SAD Blog

A crazy/dumb little blog for Steve to share his thoughts on the world, his job, his life, or any old thing that may happen either to him or to others. Plus everybody else is doing it :)

Location: Washington, Illinois, United States

Just your average computer programmer with delusions of grandeur.

Thursday, February 24, 2005

That was the best OC of the season!

So I just watched the latest episode of "The OC" and I haven't enjoyed an episode of it this much since Christmauka of this season. I think that this episode was better than that one. Even before our very happy ending (Seth & Summer aka Sethummer kissing in the rain ala Spiderman), this was just fun episode.

Boyz II Men songs 'cause characters were depressed, one character outing herself and her girlfriend to her Evil Mom rendering Evil Mom speechless (that's a first), Evil Mom admitting that she "experimented" when she was younger in a funny "Too Much Info" moment. It was just a fun, good episode.

I hope that it stays on track.


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