The SAD Blog

A crazy/dumb little blog for Steve to share his thoughts on the world, his job, his life, or any old thing that may happen either to him or to others. Plus everybody else is doing it :)

Location: Washington, Illinois, United States

Just your average computer programmer with delusions of grandeur.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Friday Night Random 10 iPod songs

So I'm trying something new and seeing if this works. Introducing Project Playlist and my iPod random 10 songs for Friday:

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

The John Edwards Campaign

In recent days, I've been watching the right-wing attack John Edwards because he hired two liberal female bloggers to his campaign. Now the fact that they are liberal women is enough for the (never been)right-wing to go crazy and attack them regardless of what they wrote in the past. The right-wing has found various posts that they have made, quoted them out of context, and claim that they are bigots or hate religious people or swear. Well, the right-wing (in particular the ones leading this charge) is full of racist bigots not worth the shit they create each day. (Oh no! Swearing, my virgin ears!)

John Edwards is now "in a bind" which should be easy to fix. The right-wing (who will never ever vote for him anyway) wants him to fire the two bloggers or else he is supporting their viewpoints. If he does, he will show the blogsphere that he won't stand up for his own workers so how can we expect him to stand up for us? If he keeps them on the payroll, the right-wing will try to use them as a hammer to tear down his campaign. Considering the right-wing is only good at character assassination, he may have reason to worry. I think that if he actually stood up for his people and against the digital lynch mob, he will find much more support both in the primaries and in the general election. He could do what Howard Dean did in 2004 and place an on-line fund raiser out every time they attack him or his staff.

...Added 2/8/07
John Edwards' official statement. My first thoughts are that the statement is too weak. He was being attacked by dishonest hate mongers who now believe that they will be able to make him appear weak on any issue. While I'm glad that Amanda and Melissa still have jobs with him, this manufactured "scandal" is so fake. No one with 6 brain cells would ever think that something I write on my personal blog has any bearing on where I work or how I do my job. Same thing here. Amanda's and Melissa's opinions are their own and not John Edwards. Now the haters on the right will just keep using out-of-context quotes against everyone just like they have since 1998.