The SAD Blog

A crazy/dumb little blog for Steve to share his thoughts on the world, his job, his life, or any old thing that may happen either to him or to others. Plus everybody else is doing it :)

Location: Washington, Illinois, United States

Just your average computer programmer with delusions of grandeur.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

12 Clones tested, taste the same...

... They also taste like chicken :-)

So I'm reading this story about how safe cloned milk and meat are. I notice that they only studied 2 beef clones and 10 dairy clones. Is a dozen clones enough to warrant a headline like "Cloned Meat, Milk Nearly the Same"?

Also, do they mean that the meat and milk taste the same as each other or do they mean the same as the source?

I really don't have a problem with cloned animals as meat or other food products. I just don't think that twelve subjects is enough to use in such a study.

Anyone else?

... Fixed some typos.


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