The SAD Blog

A crazy/dumb little blog for Steve to share his thoughts on the world, his job, his life, or any old thing that may happen either to him or to others. Plus everybody else is doing it :)

Location: Washington, Illinois, United States

Just your average computer programmer with delusions of grandeur.

Monday, March 28, 2005

OK, strange article

So I'm reading this article on a frat in CA who is being suspended because of a porn movie that they created. This is a professional porn not some home-made version ala Paris Hilton. So, like I said, I'm reading the article about how and why the frat is suspended and it ends with:

One Chico State student died and another nearly died at two other fraternities during initiation rituals this year.

What exactly does that sentence have to do with the frat being suspended for being in a porn movie?

... Fixed formatting.


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