The SAD Blog

A crazy/dumb little blog for Steve to share his thoughts on the world, his job, his life, or any old thing that may happen either to him or to others. Plus everybody else is doing it :)

Location: Washington, Illinois, United States

Just your average computer programmer with delusions of grandeur.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Steve's Outrage of the Day: Wal-mart completely sucks

The post on DailyKos links to another article describing a change to Wal-Mart's employee policy. Wal-Mart is requiring an employee to be available "from 7-11 for any shift, no matter what, or be fired."

If they cannot be available or find a babysitter, they will be fired! Fired! And Dad wonders why I don't shop at Wal-Mart if I can help it.


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