The SAD Blog

A crazy/dumb little blog for Steve to share his thoughts on the world, his job, his life, or any old thing that may happen either to him or to others. Plus everybody else is doing it :)

Location: Washington, Illinois, United States

Just your average computer programmer with delusions of grandeur.

Monday, January 10, 2005

I loving "24" right now.

Look a non-political entry. How'd that happen? Anyways, I've seen the first four hours of "24" the last two nights. This season so far has been great although a little familar. Jack is trying to protect the women he loves who becomes kidnapped. So far, he's shot a man in the leg for info, used the location of a witness as leverage to go into the field, used a hostage situation to try and find other kidnap victims, and preteneded to rob a gas station to delay his suspect until he could have him tailed.

Not bad for four hours into the day. Also, the Araz Family is being very creepy. Can we give the wife (played by Shohreh Aghdashloo) her Oscar now? She's just as good as Lady Macbeth (aka Penny Palmer).


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